"Self-Care is an attitude that says, I am responsible for myself." Melody Beattie

How responsible have you been when it comes to providing self care at any level? Many times, we are so focused on making others happy, that we forget to do the very basics to create some sense of individual self care. Start this journey today! Change how you communicate and treat yourself with help from the Quality Self-Care Course.

Dr. Lisa Raymond

Dr. Raymond is a business owner and university professor teaching various modes of communication, biases, and diversity.

Dr. Raymond believes that communication is the key to survival. Just not in our dealings with others, but for the self! Someone who can communicate effectively has a greater chance of getting a job, getting along with others and a better chance of controlling their behaviors when they are faced with a challenging situation or being tested by others.

Ethics2Talk works with individuals and groups to plan, create, and implement strategies to overcome barriers in communication and biases that naturally happen.

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Terms of use: By enrolling in courses, the Participant agrees to utilize Ethics2Talk, LLC services with the full understanding that Dr. Lisa Raymond, is in no way responsible or liable for your decisions, actions, or their outcomes. You also agree to hold Dr. Lisa Raymond and Ethics2Talk, LLC free of all liability and responsibility for any adverse situations created as a direct or indirect result of your use or understanding of specific course information.